Beat Monster Galaxy Faster Than You Can Imagine!

Even from the very start of Monster Galaxy, there are important fundamental concepts that need to be understood in order to be a Monster Galaxy master.

Playing Often

It may sound obvious, but playing every day is very large advantage in Monster Galaxy. This is due to the fact that every 20 hours you can collect whistles from your own AND all your friends/neighbours whistle-trees. This allows you to use a lot of Bonus Attacks!

Playing daily also allows you to rest your battle-damaged Moga’s back to full health; the higher their level, the longer their recuperation will take.

Recently added to the game is the ability to get a Star Seed every 8 hours. This makes playing daily, or even multiple times a day, very advantageous.

Playing for a small amount of time daily (10-20 minutes) is much more advantageous than playing 4 hours all at once, once a week. Try and play at approximately the same time, as you will be able to harvest many more whistles this way; they are very important!

Visiting Your Friends

This is a FUNDAMENTALLY important step towards getting ahead of the crowd in Monster Galaxy, as doing this will allow you to gain more whistles, which are a vital resource.

Rest Your Moga’s

It’s another simple concept, but don’t forget to rest your Moga’s once you’re done for the day. Otherwise, you won’t be able to use them the next time you login, which is a big disadvantage.

Have a Plan

Wandering around randomly in Monster Galaxy will eventually become either overwhelmingly confusing or annoying, so you definitely need to have a “plan” for what you want to do and how to get it done. Making these plans can be time-consuming, but fortunately there are step-by-step in the Power-Levelling and Grinding-Levels sections of this ! 

Following JUST these above tips will make you much stronger than the average player and put you well along the path to being a master Moga Tamer, however just these tips alone won’t give you the advantage you’re searching for… If you would like step-by-step instructions on how to dominate every aspect of Monster Galaxy in no time at all, you should check out the Monster Galaxy Authority Guide!

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Monster Galaxy Quest Reward Guide

Monster Galaxy has a large number of Quests that can be completed during the course of the game in order to earn rewards. Doing the Quests is very advantageous as the rewards are well worth the effort, especially as you will be passing through the areas whether you do the Quests or not.

Below is a short list of in-game quests, which is a sneak preview into what the full guide offers.

Quests in Sunshire:

Find Nova:

This is the first quest of the game; Nova is found at East Summer Road. Reward is 1 Star Seed.

Capture Beefee:

Head back to West Summer Road and capture a Beefee Moga. Reward is 1 Star Seed.

The Meaning of Friendship:

Accept at Gertrudes House after completing “Care Package” quest. Obtain the crystal by defeating (or capturing) the Level 28 Nar in Spiral Cave.

Reward is 2 blue-coffee and 2 star-seeds.

Family Jewels:

After defeating Sandman he reveals that he was defending his home that had been robbed. He asks you try and recover the stolen goods. The goods will be on Moga’s between Portal o’ Ruins and Sitnalta Field. Recover 3 pieces to complete the quest (approximately ? Moga that will drop jewels)

Reward is 1 blue-coffee. 

As you can see the quests above have been split up into what you have to do to acheive the award and the exact reward you will receive for completing the quest.

Personally I thought this was fantastic as for a game that has only been around for a few months there is a guide now that uncovers all the untold areas of the games and how to go about getting there and also who you will meet on the way in four very colourful maps to show you the way.

Monster Galaxy is also on Twitter – To follow them click the following link: Monster Galaxy on Twitter




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Why Having Friends Is Important in Monster Galaxy

Much like other social games on Facebook, Monster Galaxy wants to try and encourage you to involve your friends in their game; they do this by giving people who invite their friend’s advantages in the game.

Through-out the main guide the importance of having lots of friends is emphasised, due to the advantages having them gives you. However, if you are having trouble finding large numbers of Monster Galaxy playing friends on Facebook, this guide will walk you through the process.

You can use these advantages to get a huge step-up on the average player of Monster Galaxy, dominating the game and levelling Moga’s to high levels quickly!

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The Monster Galaxy Help Blog is now up and running – Fantastic

The long awaited blog for all the tips, cheats and walkthroughs you need are now available.  Over the next few days I will be posting some useful bits for you to use in your game and also I have a secret guide which i am going to share with you all.  I hope you like the blog and check it out real soon.

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